
Kolmar regards environmental protection as an integral part of its business.
The company contributes to the sustainable development of Russia by adhering to environmental laws, sound management of natural wealth, and continual improvement of environmental practices.
The priorities of the environmental policy of the Company are as follows:
- sustainable reduction of discharges of waste waters to bodies of water;
- phased reduction of emissions to atmosphere;
- establishment of waste dump site to reduce man-made impacts on environment.
In order to implement the environmental policies, in 2013-2014, the company commissioned independent experts from BRANAN to carry out an environmental audit of all lenience areas, which resulted in a plan of ecological and social measures to manage and reduce the impact of ongoing projects on the social and ecological environment of the region.
Specifically, these efforts allowed two of our ongoing projects to receive a positive conclusion from the federal ecological expertise.
Approximately 800 mln rubles are expected to be committed for the construction and innovation of treatment facilities.