Coal-chemistry laboratory

The coal chemical laboratory of LLC Kolmar was set up in 2013. In July the same year, the coal chemical laboratory started research to determine coal qualitative characteristics on new upgraded equipment.
Laboratory research is carried out in strict compliance with the interstate standards, which govern analysis and testing procedures.
The principal qualitative characteristics of the coal are regulated by:
- humidity — GOST 52911 «Solid fossil fuel. Total moisture determination methods.» and GOST 11014 «Brown, stone coals, antracite and shale coal. Express methods of moisture determination»;
- ash content — ГОСТ 11022 «Solid fossil fuel. Ash content determnation method»;
- volatile yield — GOST 6382 «Solid fossil fuel. Volatile matter determination methods»;
- total sulphur content — GOST 11022 «Solid fossil fuel. Total sulphur determination. Eshka method»;
- calorific value — GOST 147 (ISO 1928-76) «Solid fossil fuel. Determination of higher calorific value and calculation of lower calorific value»;
- plastimetry indicators – GOST 1186 «Stone coals. Determination method for plastometric indicators».
Moreover, the laboratory carries out petrographic studies of different coal brands and the products of their mixture based on the developed program on the photometer created by CJSC Izhitza. Such studies are not carried out in any of the city laboratories.